Saturday 7 September 2013

Dining at Divine

Hey guys, so it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I've last blogged. I've been away to Northumberland which I will do a blog post about soon, and I've been catching up with school work. But now that I'm back at school I might find it a bit easier to keep up with this blog. 

So on the last day of my six week summer holiday off school myself, my sister and my Gran went for a lovely walk up the White Horse which is a place in the UK. We went early in the morning, I say early we went around 10:30am. The sun was out and walking up the hills was a lot harder in the heat, but it was a good fresh morning. When we reached the top of the hills the views were absolutely beautiful! You could see for miles and miles with the sun shining down on the corn fields. I took some beautiful pictures. 

After we finished our walk we stopped at a diner a bit further down the road called the Divine Café. I believe it is French based as they sell French lemonade and French dishes. It was such a pretty little café with bright flowers outside, tables and chairs placed around inside and out. Of course I took some pictures so you can see what a lovely day it was. 

If you are local to the Divine Café (if you know where I'm on about) then I would most definitely recommend it, the food is lovely and the staff are very happy and kind. 

I'll be posting a back to school post hopefully soon, seeing as I'm now back at school and it may come in help to anyone who reads this blog.
See ya soon,