Monday 5 August 2013

Nails-Bio Sculpture

To some people painting your nails can be such a chore. Having to wait until they dry, being careful not to smudge them, having to start over again. In the end most people give up. I know I'm usually one of those people. But today I had my nails done with bio sculpture gel. It's a gel which stays on your nails and can last up to 5-6 weeks. It's applicable to both finger and toe nails. I find that the nail polish on my toes doesn't chip as much than if it was on my fingers. So I had it done on my finger nails, plus that's we're most people will see them. 

 I saw a design on the Internet which was inspired by the Arizona drinks can and decided I like that so I asked Clare, who did my nails, to try and recreate it. I think she did a pretty good job as she hadn't before done much nail art. The base colour is a turquoise and the flowers are made up of a light and darker pink. 

I will most definitely let you guys know what it's like but for now I'll be off..
Loullabella <3 

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