Thursday 22 August 2013

Avebury Adventures

Today my sister Ellie, my Granny and I went to Avebury. For those who don't know what or where Avebury is, its a world famous stone circle and onsite museum at the heart of a prehistoric landscape. Avebury is located 6 miles West of Marlborough on the A4361. It's a very scenic place to go, it's a National Trust place so its family friendly and is well looked after.
Me and my sister hugging a rock at Avebury.(Ellie left, Me right)
 We walked all around the stone circle and half way at the top of a hill we stopped and sat down and admired the views. This spot we stopped at was the place my Great Granny used to come and sit and have a small snack and a drink. I texted her and told her we were along the Avebury travels. We watched the sheep graze around and the tourists admire the place. We saw a couple of artists sketching various details.
We saw this house from afar when we were on top of the hill. It was a very pretty house and had a very peaceful vibe to it.
Incredible Views from the hilltops.

The gift shop surrounded with gorgeous flowers.
At the end we stopped and had a wonder around the gift shops and had a drink in the cafe. The gift shop was covered in bright, colourful flower baskets that made the whole shop seem happy. It definitely made me happy. 
I would say its a very nice place to go and would definitely recommend it for anyone visiting the UK or just a place to go in general. It's perfect for the whole family or just a nice walk. 
Let me know what you think of it if you've been before or are planning on going, but for now I'll see you later..

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