Sunday 11 August 2013

Vegetable Patch

Summer is when you can start growing your veggies. At the end you will have wonderful shades of green throughout your garden.
My Granny and Grampy are very green (not literally..haha). They like to grow cabbages, carrots, onions, broad beans. They grow a lot of flowers as well. They have a very nice garden and is surrounded by corn fields. They have to protect the crops from birds and snails. They use netting to protect them from the birds and sometimes shiny objects to scare them away for example CD's.

They have a tall berry tree, an arch way surrounded by flower beds, solar lights. It's a really pretty garden to sit in whilst the sun is shining. They also have a man made pond. This pond was made by my Grampy a good couple of years ago. The pond has many pond weeks, water Lily's and lots of large pond fish and other wildlife such as frogs. There is also a waterfall coming down the top of the pond.

So if not this summer, maybe next summer try and grow your own vegetables, or even flowers, get your green fingers out and see what you can do.
Have fun..

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