Saturday 7 September 2013

Dining at Divine

Hey guys, so it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I've last blogged. I've been away to Northumberland which I will do a blog post about soon, and I've been catching up with school work. But now that I'm back at school I might find it a bit easier to keep up with this blog. 

So on the last day of my six week summer holiday off school myself, my sister and my Gran went for a lovely walk up the White Horse which is a place in the UK. We went early in the morning, I say early we went around 10:30am. The sun was out and walking up the hills was a lot harder in the heat, but it was a good fresh morning. When we reached the top of the hills the views were absolutely beautiful! You could see for miles and miles with the sun shining down on the corn fields. I took some beautiful pictures. 

After we finished our walk we stopped at a diner a bit further down the road called the Divine Café. I believe it is French based as they sell French lemonade and French dishes. It was such a pretty little café with bright flowers outside, tables and chairs placed around inside and out. Of course I took some pictures so you can see what a lovely day it was. 

If you are local to the Divine Café (if you know where I'm on about) then I would most definitely recommend it, the food is lovely and the staff are very happy and kind. 

I'll be posting a back to school post hopefully soon, seeing as I'm now back at school and it may come in help to anyone who reads this blog.
See ya soon,

Thursday 22 August 2013

Avebury Adventures

Today my sister Ellie, my Granny and I went to Avebury. For those who don't know what or where Avebury is, its a world famous stone circle and onsite museum at the heart of a prehistoric landscape. Avebury is located 6 miles West of Marlborough on the A4361. It's a very scenic place to go, it's a National Trust place so its family friendly and is well looked after.
Me and my sister hugging a rock at Avebury.(Ellie left, Me right)
 We walked all around the stone circle and half way at the top of a hill we stopped and sat down and admired the views. This spot we stopped at was the place my Great Granny used to come and sit and have a small snack and a drink. I texted her and told her we were along the Avebury travels. We watched the sheep graze around and the tourists admire the place. We saw a couple of artists sketching various details.
We saw this house from afar when we were on top of the hill. It was a very pretty house and had a very peaceful vibe to it.
Incredible Views from the hilltops.

The gift shop surrounded with gorgeous flowers.
At the end we stopped and had a wonder around the gift shops and had a drink in the cafe. The gift shop was covered in bright, colourful flower baskets that made the whole shop seem happy. It definitely made me happy. 
I would say its a very nice place to go and would definitely recommend it for anyone visiting the UK or just a place to go in general. It's perfect for the whole family or just a nice walk. 
Let me know what you think of it if you've been before or are planning on going, but for now I'll see you later..

Sunday 11 August 2013

Vegetable Patch

Summer is when you can start growing your veggies. At the end you will have wonderful shades of green throughout your garden.
My Granny and Grampy are very green (not literally..haha). They like to grow cabbages, carrots, onions, broad beans. They grow a lot of flowers as well. They have a very nice garden and is surrounded by corn fields. They have to protect the crops from birds and snails. They use netting to protect them from the birds and sometimes shiny objects to scare them away for example CD's.

They have a tall berry tree, an arch way surrounded by flower beds, solar lights. It's a really pretty garden to sit in whilst the sun is shining. They also have a man made pond. This pond was made by my Grampy a good couple of years ago. The pond has many pond weeks, water Lily's and lots of large pond fish and other wildlife such as frogs. There is also a waterfall coming down the top of the pond.

So if not this summer, maybe next summer try and grow your own vegetables, or even flowers, get your green fingers out and see what you can do.
Have fun..

Friday 9 August 2013

Shires Holiday

Every year the shire horses at Wadworth Brewery Centre are let off on a 2 week holiday after spending the rest of the year delivering beer to restaurants and pubs around the area. The horses are led to the car park outside The Raven and are given a pint of beer each. The three shires are Max, Monty and Prince. They are then lead down to the field where they are released. The shires know when they are going on holiday as the horse men have to calm them down before they even get to the field. They have pictures taken for the newspaper and then are let off. A lot of people come down for this occasion, the horses jump around the field and run and go wild. They love it. Considering they are very heavy horses, each the height of around 17-18 hands, you would be surprised at how fast they run around. It's such an incredible sight knowing they won't be doing any work for two weeks and how they just frolic in the fields. Later on in the day they are lead to another field so they can be watched and fed. They are such beautiful horses. 

After we watched the horses, me and my family went to Weatherspoons pub and had a lovely meal. It's very inexpensive in there and they have lovely food. (Highly recommended!) I had a chicken caesar salad, which was the best salad I've ever had, and I've never ate so many greens in my life! Haha.. But it was delicious. 

The pub had an old fashioned feel to it, as they have bookshelves filled up with very old books all on the walls. It gave it a very nice atmosphere. 

I hope this blog post was interesting and I'll post again soon..

Thursday 8 August 2013


Baking can be very fun for the whole family. Me and my mum baked some muffins yesterday. We used a basic recipe of 6oz of butter, 6oz of sugar, 6oz of self-raising flour and 3 eggs. We then added in smarties and crushed up chocolate. The smell that filled the room was incredible. We took them out of the oven and they were golden brown and smelt delicious! 
Get creative with your baking and enjoy..

Monday 5 August 2013

Nails-Bio Sculpture

To some people painting your nails can be such a chore. Having to wait until they dry, being careful not to smudge them, having to start over again. In the end most people give up. I know I'm usually one of those people. But today I had my nails done with bio sculpture gel. It's a gel which stays on your nails and can last up to 5-6 weeks. It's applicable to both finger and toe nails. I find that the nail polish on my toes doesn't chip as much than if it was on my fingers. So I had it done on my finger nails, plus that's we're most people will see them. 

 I saw a design on the Internet which was inspired by the Arizona drinks can and decided I like that so I asked Clare, who did my nails, to try and recreate it. I think she did a pretty good job as she hadn't before done much nail art. The base colour is a turquoise and the flowers are made up of a light and darker pink. 

I will most definitely let you guys know what it's like but for now I'll be off..
Loullabella <3 

Sunday 4 August 2013


Hey guys. This is my first ever blog post. I will hopefully post regularly about fashion, beauty, photography and days I think were good and are worth posting about. You can comment on my blog and also follow the blog. I'm hoping my blog can relate to people, help you out. I'm still getting used to all the settings and whereabouts of everything at the moment so hopefully over time I can know how to use blogger properly. I will post again tomorrow and see if I can make it work. Thank you to everyone who will help me and I shall see you soon.
Loullabella <3