Friday 3 January 2014


If you live in the UK(I do not think the US have it), you would of heard of a store named Lush. A store in which you can purchase bath ballistics(aka bath bombs), bubble bars, shower gel, hand creams etc... For Christmas I received a Lush Gift Box and decided to share with you what was inside.
This is what the box looks like, it is extremely glittery, which means glitter gets everywhere! It's red, gold and green glitter with a gold polka dot ribbon on top.

 As you can read on the label, five products came within this gift box. However I did not think to do this blog post before I used the Father Christmas Bath Ballistic. I can describe it for you the best I can though. First when you drop it into the bath it fizzes a slight pink colour, then it will turn slightly green and before you know it your bath is almost a neon green. I also have used part of the bubble bar, but not enough that I couldn't take a picture for you so I do have a picture of that.
From left: Lord of Misrules(bath ballistic), Cinders(bath ballistic), Christmas Eve(bath ballistic) and Golden Wonder(bath ballistic)
Lord of Misrules (bath ballistic)
Cinders (bath ballistic)
Christmas Eve (bubble bar)
The Christmas Eve bubble bar is one that I can describe for you as I have used some already, unlike the two bath ballistics above as I haven't before used them. A bubble bar if you aren't sure, is a bar which you crumble under running water. You can get multiple uses out of these which makes it a definite run for your money! As you crumble it under the water, bubbles will appear and give of a wonderful scent, slightly florally (I'm rubbish at describing scents). Once you get out the bath and dry yourself off, you will be able to notice how soft your skin is. Its a definite Christmas must have.
Golden Wonder (bath ballistic)
 Again Golden Wonder is a bath bomb I can describe to you as I've had it before. Even when you pick it up you get golden fingers from the gold dust coating the bath bomb. It is a present shaped bath bomb (very relevant for Christmas) and if you shake it, something inside makes a sound, which I've yet to find out what it is, as my previous one didn't rattle but I believe is supposed to. After dropping your bath bomb into the water, you will soon see why it is called Golden Wonder. Your bath water becomes a vibrant turquoise and specs of golden shimmer surround you enveloping you in its scent.
Blackberry (bath ballistic)
This bath ballistic was not in the gift box, but thought I may as well add it in. Its a bath bomb I was going to give as a Christmas Gift but I forgot I had it until after Christmas (oops). It smells very good, a bit like Palmer Violets, which is a kind of sweet/candy, and is quite a soft scent but I do like it. Its one I've never had so I'm excited to see what its like.
I hope this post was somewhat interesting or useful and fun to read..
Loullabella <3

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