Wednesday 3 December 2014

Christmas Tag

Today's post was meant to be a recipe however school got in the way therefore here is a bunch of Christmassy question I shall answer.. Soz to be boring:)

1. What is your favourite Christmas film?
Love Actually or Elf

2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
As it's the UK we usually get delayed snow, so it's a white January/February, but I think I may have had a white christmas a few years back.

3. Where do you usually spend Christmas?
Usually spend the morning at my house with my family and then at around lunch time go up to my nan's house until late. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I quite like I wish it could be Christ'as Every Day however I don't really have a favourite. This year I've properly been listening to the good ol' BublĂ©. 

5. Do you open any gifts on Christmas Eve?
No, never have done. 

6. Is your tree real or fake? 
Our tree isn't actually up yet but it's fake. Real ones make too much mess.

7. Are you a pro wrapper or do you fail miserably?
I like to think I'm a good wrapper, I try and make all gifts look nice but I end up getting bored. I will be posting a wrapping post in a few weeks so you can see.

8. Do you make New Years resolutions?
Yes I do however if you ask me if I stick to them I would say no. I don't think I've completed one of my New Years resolutions from the start of the year but I'm gonna try my best to do them in 2015!

9. When do you think it's acceptable to put up decorations and write christmas cards?
Personally any time after a week into December is perfectly acceptable to put up decorations and the tree however christmas cards, it needs to be a bit longer. Admittedly last year I had my cards written in November but this year as of yet I still need to get them, giving them out I think at least a week before christmas give or take a few days. 

10. When did you start listening to Christmas music? 
November possibly end of October. I'm really into the festive tunes.

This wasn't the most interesting post but I was going to do it anyway I just had to rearrange when and that happened to be today as I don't have my camera with me until tomorrow either. Tomorrow shall be a recipe hopefully.
Let me know what your faves christmas song is:)

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